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Writer's pictureLeticia Ayala

Lip Filler Instructions-Do's and Don'ts

At Flawless Medical Spa, we’re committed to offering the best post Lip Filler instructions to keep our patients safe, happy and with the best results. Our clients often ask "What are the Do's and Dont's right after Lip Filler? "

We can offer several aftercare and Post-Lip filler instructions. We have several tips and answers to all your burning questions. What to expect right after lip filler and within a week? How long post Lip Filler can you drink from a straw? How long after lip filler can you kiss? How long post lip filler can you wear makeup? What are bad signs after Lip Filler?

In this blog, we will teach you some great tips to get the best Outcome after Lip Filler.

Before getting Lip Filler, it’s important to consider and learn the best management about post Lip Filler aftercare, so you can avoid the risk of any adverse side effects. Overall, Lip Fillers with Hyaluronic acid are a safe and quick procedure, our Lip filler aftercare instructions will help you achieve the best results after your treatment. Read this blog to get the best Lip Filler aftercare tips and learn what to avoid after Lip Filler!

If you’re planning on having Lip Filler, here are our Post Lip AfterCare Tips:

What Happens Immediately After Lip Filler - bruising, redness and/or swelling after Lip Filler is common. Typically, this resolves within 48 hours Some patients have light bruising, lumpiness and swelling for two weeks to a month. But most patients have very few side effects. It's a quick procedure with little downtime after Lip Filler, allowing you to get back to your normal routine right away. Typical results last between 6-9 months. As your lips begin to shrink, come back in for another treatment.

What to Do After Lip Filler- #postLipFiller #aftercareLipFiller #lipfillerDos

We want our patients to look refreshed and natural after their procedure. Each patient will vary. It is common to have some bruising, lumpiness, and swelling within the first week. Most patients will have to wait the full two weeks for the lips to settle.

  1. Skincare and Makeup Post Botox Instructions Can you wear makeup after Lip Filler Treatments? We recommend no lipstick for 24 hrs. Keep your lips moisturized with lip balm, aquaphor or vaseline. Lip fillers are composed of Hyaluronic acid, so drink lots of water to keep those lips hydrated and plump. But after the 24 hrs, you can wear minimal makeup, although be careful not to apply a lot of pressure or massaging to your lips. You can continue with your regular skincare routine following a lip filler treatment. If possible, avoid touching your lips for 24 hours after your treatment.

  2. What should I expect within the first 48 hours after Lip filler (post Lip Filler treatment) Expect bruising, swelling and lumpiness within the first 48 hours. You may wake up with very swollen lips. You may love it. But lip fillers typically reduce 20-30% within the first few days. We normally start with a conservative amount of lip filler especially for those with very thin, small lips or first timers. However, once you get lip fillers, you will love the balance and harmony it gives your face.

What Not to Do After Lip Filler and What to Avoid After Lip Filler

1. If you’re planning a big event or evening out, it may be best to wait a few days. It's best to get lip filler at least two weeks before any big events (weddings, anniversary, graduation, etc) for the best results. There can be swelling, bruising and lumpiness after lip filler. You want to give the lips time to settle and reach that perfect plump.

2. Avoid straws for at least four weeks after lip filler. you want to keep your lip shape.

3. Stay Hydrated. Drinking a lot of water will help your lips stay hydrated and plump.

4. No kissing for 24 hrs. You want to keep your lip shape. You also don't want to introduce any germs on lips that have just been exposed to small needles.

5. Avoid physical exercise-It is best to wait at least 24-48 hours after your lip filler procedure to return to your exercise routine. It’s possible that you could bruise yourself when participating in physical activities. Waiting a couple of days to exercise after undergoing a lip filler procedure to ensure your face is protected. While we know its highly unlikely that you’re going to fall flat on your face during physical activity, it’s better to be safe than sorry. --Avoid direct heat exposure, Tanning, Sunbathing or exposing yourself to intense heat (hot yoga) should be avoided for at least 24-48 hours after treatment.

6. What to know about massaging After Lip Filler. Avoid massaging or touching the treatment area. Excessive massage or touching can affect the results of your procedure. We take great care to ensure the accurate administration of lip filler. As lip filler is a procedure which places hyaluronic acid, to add volume, it’s imperative to leave it alone for the best results. Touching your lips may move the lip filler and that will affect the success of your treatment. We recommend not touching your face for at least 24-48 hours after having lip filler.

7. Avoid alcohol and painkillers. If you’re thinking of drinking alcohol after Lip Filler, it’s best to avoid it for 24 hrs. You also need to avoid taking painkillers (ibuprofen or Aspirin) for 24 hrs before and after. Painkillers and alcohol can both cause thinning of the blood, which may cause or increase bruising of the lips.

8. If you plan on traveling after Lip Filler, the good news is that you can fly without any worries! Changes in cabin pressure or altitude have no negative effect on Lip Filler. Just remember not to lie down in your seat for six hours after your procedure.

9. Avoid vaccines two weeks before or after Lip Fillers. There have been some studies that showed some patients had increased swelling after the Covid vaccine within two weeks. Plan to have vaccines either two weeks before or two weeks after vaccines.

10. When to call us? If you have excessive bruising or gray dark areas, call us immediately. We want to make sure it is normal bruising and not a blocked vessel. (very uncommon side effect). We love to see you guys within two weeks of your lip filler appointment.

Lip Filler Aftercare Sleeping Advice Many patients ask, "How long after Lip Filler, should I wait before one can lay down?" Lip Filler aftercare sleeping advice is an important part of your post care. It’s important to avoid sleeping on areas where lip filler has been injected. Don't sleep directly on your face. This can be challenging for some patients, especially if you’re used to sleeping in a certain way. However, we would encourage you to sleep on your back. Lip filler requires time to settle into your lips and lying on your face may prevent this. One great aspect is that lip filler settles quickly and you only need to avoid sleeping on your face for one night!

Use Our Lip Filler Aftercare Instructions After Your Next Procedure Have your Lip Filler Treatment at Flawless Medical Spa. Our professionalism and expert knowledge of medi-spa procedures will give you the best and most effective results!

Schedule with us today! We use all types of lip fillers including Restylane Kysse, Versa, RHA and Juvederm products.

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we are located in Bellevue, WA. We would love to meet you!!

call us at 360-545-3375

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